With Musk Ox 3rd generation. Strategy We have chosen a 100% retail free strategy where our products will not be available in physical stores or other online stores, but only through our own web shop www.muskoxdenmark.com.
All historical brands on the market today all sell to other retailers and online shops. This means that the prices on their products are very high in relation to the production price, since there are several links that must earn on the product, such as the Agent, the distributor and the retailers/stores. By cutting these links away, you will have the opportunity to buy the product much cheaper than one of our competitors’ product of similar quality already in other retail stores.
In addition, the large sums spent on branding today are also the reason that products in our eyes are too expensive, and we do not believe that today’s price structure is fair to the consumer.
The consumer buys a brand today, and not a product, as all the millions spent on print material, TV commercials, rent for expensive showrooms and flagship stores are reflected in the price of the product.These costs that are saved allows us to make the best quality products on the market to the cheapest price.